Atelier constelatii sistemice Regeneration 17 iunie Cluj

Constelatiile ReGeneration lucreaza in profunzimea vietii interioare a fiecaruia care participa la aceste constelatii, atat ca reprezentant, persoana care isi face constelatia cat si cea care sta pe margine si ,,priveste ,,.
Metoda terapeutică implica abordarea clasica a constelatiilor sistemice, ghidarea dupa intentie si eliberarea partilor care blocheaza cu multa blandete si iubire.
Cand ma ,,uit ,,impreuna cu clientul/a la tema aleasa de el/ea se deschide o usa si intram impreuna intr-un spatiu neexplorat din constientul lui si cu multa iubire din energia sinelui, apare Adevarul sufletului care ne aduce la suprafata mult mai multa claritate, reconciliere, iubire, constientizarea loialitatilor inconstiente si eliberarea atasamentelor din trecut.
Poate participa oricine ! Varsta minima este de 18 ani !
Tema atelierului ,,Binele si Raul,,
Acest atelier este pentru tine daca :
– te confrunti cu diferite situatii de viata in care nu ai claritate
– esti intr un impas si nu iti gasesti locul
– ai probleme in gestionarea emotiilor
– ai dificultati cu partenerul/partenera
– ai incercat tot felul de metode si bati pasul pe loc
– ai probleme financiare
– esti un cautator pasionat de tot ce e nou in materie de dezvoltare personala
….Lista poate continua
Va astept cu drag !
Locatia o transmit ulterior prin mesaj .
Locuri limitate !
Cost 350 lei – plateste si asigurati locul
Mirela Vicovan Healthy Life
BT : RO76BTRLRONCRT0370082001
-detalii plata : constelatii regeneration 17 iunie 2023 +numele participantului
Pentru inscriere foloseste formularul acesta
Facilitator constelatii ReGeneration
Mirela Vicovan
Terapeut terapii holistice
Constelator cu obiecte simbolice
Consilier emotional
Consilier remedii florale
Diagnostician facial saruri tisulare dr Schuessler
Specialist biorezonanta dupa Paul Schmidt
Si multe alte formari
Tel whatsapp 0733930702
The ReGeneration Constellations work in the depth of the inner life of each person who participates in these constellations, both as a representative, the person who makes the constellation and the person who stands on the sidelines and watches.
The therapeutic method involves the classical approach of systemic constellations, guiding by intention and releasing the blocking parts with gentleness and love.
When I “look” together with the client at the theme chosen by him/her, a door opens and we enter together into an unexplored space in his/her consciousness and with much love from the energy of the self, the Truth of the Soul appears, which brings to the surface much more clarity, reconciliation, love, awareness of unconscious loyalties and release of past attachments.
Anyone can participate! Minimum age is 18 years old !
The theme of the workshop, Good and Evil,
This workshop is for you if:
-you are facing different life situations where you don’t have clarity
– you are at a dead end and can’t find your place
– you have problems managing your emotions
– you have difficulties with your partner
-you have tried all kinds of methods and are stalling
-you have financial problems
-you are a passionate seeker of everything new in personal development
….The list goes on
I look forward to seeing you!
The location will be sent later by message.
Limited places !
Price 350 lei – pay and secure your place
Mirela Vicovan Healthy Life
BT : RO76BTRLRONCRT0370082001
-payment details: constellation regeneration 17 june 2023 +participant name
For registration use this form
ReGeneration constellations facilitator
Mirela Vicovan
Holistic therapist
Constellation with symbolic objects
Emotional counsellor
Flower remedies counsellor
Facial tissue salt diagnostician Dr Schuessler
Bioresonance specialist after Paul Schmidt
And many other trainings
Tel whatsapp 0733930702